
00001 // #define SAL_ON
00002 #include "SAL.h"
00004 int buttonId1, buttonId2, buttonId3, inputBoxId1, inputBoxId2;
00006 int action(int action_id)
00007 {
00008         if(action_id == buttonId1)                                                                              //If buttonId1 has receved an event
00009         {
00010 //              delButton(buttonId1);                                                                           //Delete buttonId1
00011         }
00012         if(action_id == buttonId3)                                                                              //If buttonId1 has receved an event
00013         {
00014 //              printf("Box zegt: %s welkom.\n",readInputBox(inputBoxId1)->c_str());
00015         }
00016         if(action_id == buttonId2)                                                                              //If buttonId2 has receved an event
00017         {
00018                 salStop();                                                                                                      //Stop sal (and most often also the application)
00019         }
00020         return 0;
00021 }
00023 int mouse(int x, int y, char button, char clicks)
00024 {
00025         salDrawRect(x, y, 100, 20, COLOR_ORANGE);                                               //Draw an rectangle
00026         salDrawText(x, y+1, 100, 18, "Clicked here", COLOR_ORANGE);             //Draw some text
00027         salRefresh();                                                                                                   //Update screen
00028         return 0;
00029 }
00031 int keyboard(SDLKey key, SDLMod mod)
00032 {
00033         if(key==SDLK_ESCAPE)                                                                                    //If some one presse the escape key
00034                 salStop();                                                                                                      //Stop sal (most of the times also the program)
00035         return 0;
00036 }
00038 int main()
00039 {
00040         SAL("Demo aplication", 600, 460,32,0, false);           //Initialise the window and sal
00041         salSetActionHandler(action);                                                                    //Set the action handler that handles buttons etc
00042         salSetKeyboardHandler(keyboard);                                                                //Set action handles that handles key presses
00043         salSetMouseHandler(mouse);                                                                      //Set action handles that handles mouse events
00045         salDrawRect(50,50,160,80,COLOR_BLUE);                                                   //Draw an rectangle
00046         addUdpInputSocket(2345);
00047         addUdpOutputSocket(3456);
00048         IPaddress server[3];// = new IPaddress;
00049         SDLNet_ResolveHost(&server[0], "localhost", 2345);
00050         sendUdpMessage("Hallo!!!",8, server);
00052 //      buttonId1 = addButton(60,60,"Button 1");                                                //Add an button to the inteface
00053 //      buttonId2 = addButton(60,90,"Button 2");                                                //Add another button to the interface
00054 //      buttonId3 = addButton(460,130,"Submit");                                                //Add another button to the interface
00055 //      
00056 //      inputBoxId2 = addInputBox(160,230,"",400);
00057 //      inputBoxId1 = addInputBox(60,130,"",400);
00059         salRefresh();                                                                                                   //Update the interface
00060 }